our story: the start

By Lo Clothing started as an idea in 2017-19. I had recently stopped playing college basketball and I knew I wanted to start a business. I contemplated on what to sell for a while then it hit me!

People always asked where I got my clothes!

As a kid I always loved denim and in high school I used to bleach and distress shorts but I always thought that people wouldn’t buy them for some reason. In 2017 as a junior in high school I started to research wholesale clothing and how to get them. I always knew my mom could help me start my business since she already had one. I registered for an EIN IN 2017 AND I STARTED MY ONLINE STORE IN 2019. Two entire years passed since the day I thought about selling clothes!

Anyway, once I knew I really wanted to pursue this (2019), I did as much research as I could. I searched youtube, the internet, literally EVERYWHERE (vendor lists and startup guides were not as popular plus you don’t really need one if you do your research). But, I bought maybe one or two vendor lists and followed a young girl who’s an expert in marketing and had ran multiple successful businesses. Once I got the hang of marketing and how to sell I then bought inventory (I only started with 6 or 7 pieces, mostly sets lol) and I asked my best friend to help me model so I can get pictures and the rest is history honestly!


one year later

In a year of business I have learned so much! I learned how to market, sell, negotiate, and so much more! Most importantly, I’ve never stopped learning. On the other hand, I’ve also dealt with disputes, tough customers, issues with my website, discount codes, inventory not being correct, and influencers to say the least.

But all in all, I am so blessed to STILL BE IN BUSINESS, doing well and GROWING! All while being in college pursuing a finance degree!

Life is crazy. Follow your dreams and passion and always remember to keep God first! Thanks for reading if you read this far! <3